Sunday, January 17, 2010

Veggies and Looney Tunes

See that? There's the proof that we've achieved our goal. The goal being that Harold will eat and enjoy a variety of foods and not be a picky eater. Exposure to many foods, some mind games played by Mom and Dad and voila you have the above situation.

Harold has been on a carrot kick lately and way into his new Looney Tunes DVD boxed set that he got from his Dad. I'm not really sure if he loves carrots for the taste or because he is thinks Bugs Bunny is cool. Either way, some days we have to stop him from eating too many carrots so we can avoid an orange skin tone. It was pretty cute the first time he bit off a bite of carrot and asked, "What's Up Doc?" just like Bugs. We all had a good laugh over that one.

During one of his recent Looney Tunes sessions he requested some lettuce for a snack . . . actually requested it. "Well, I don't know Harold . . . I guess you can have one or two, but that's it until dinner," I said. Oh that statement's part of the whole mind game thing I was talking about. ; )


1 comment:

James and Charity said...

I am *so* impressed! Way to go, you guys!