Monday, January 11, 2010

The Birthday Boy

There he is, the big 3 year old. What a handsome, intelligent boy he's turning out to be. He has an active mind and an equally active body that can be exhausting but wonderfully entertaining. I'm excited to see all the changes year three will bring to his personality.

When I left for work in the morning, I said, "Bye Birthday Boy". Harold replied, "Bye Birthday Mom." He called me Birthday Mom a few more times throughout the day. =) There are a lot of duties that go along with being the Birthday Parents. The Birthday Mom did a mountain of cooking while the Birthday Dad cleaned, prepped the house and did the final food preparations for all our guests. But it was all worth it to see the excitement on Harold's face when our fourteen guests arrived. Harold spent a majority of the night jumping up and down or running from place to place. He was wired and very, very happy to say the least.

The coolest part of the party (for me) was that my parents and my grandma got to be there for the celebration. They joined in via Skype and saw Harold blow out his candles, they sang "Happy Birthday" with us and watched the gift opening. I LOVE when technology brings people together like that! I couldn't believe how natural it felt to have them "there". Needless to say, all the kids were pretty into it as well.

Happy Birthday son. We love you!
(The Birthday Mom)


Nancy M. said...

Happy Birthday Harold!!!

Cooper said...

That's great that your family got to "be there". Happy Belated Birthday Harold!