Friday, January 22, 2010


There were a few new roads built in Brevig this summer. The new roads have big metal guard rails just like you would see on a modern highway. There is really no need for them here, but I suppose it is some kind of federal traffic safety standard that says you have to have them.

Harold wishes that we didn't have the guard rails too. We now have a big crack to fix in his hood.



Anonymous said...

UH-OH! Three years old & he already has a driving record.

Nancy M. said...

Poor thing! I was surprised to see guard rails there.

tiff said...

my mama side wonders...does brevig mission have helmet laws? just curious...our boys' would ride snowmachines in elim & unalakleet and helmets were required. (by the town and the mama!)

looks like the machine took the brunt of the crash...

The Rudstroms said...

No, no helmet laws. It really doesn't go very fast (it goes about as fast as he can run). We're not worried at this point. Some day we'll get a helmet, before he's on anything that goes faster.