Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independance Day

How do Americans celebrate Independence Day? We drink lots of beer, blow off illegal fireworks made with cheap labor and eat until we can barely move. This basically sums up our 4th of July.

We started the day as usual by attending the Side Lake parade. We then went back to the Rudstrom's place and took the kids swimming. We had six little boys playing around in the lake.

After, we went over to Joanie and Larry's annual 4th of July picnic gathering. It's always a good time there with lawn games, great food and good company.

We ended the day by playing with a few fireworks and watching a pretty awesome display at Chris' family's cabin.

Do little boys ever grow up? =)


Erin said...

It appears your summer has been crazy busy! Glad you're enjoying some good old American traditions.

We're up in Alaska now but hoping that you won't be heading this direction before we head back to MN. Would love a chance to get together - whether for a motorcycle excursion or WHATEVER.

Take care & enjoy!

Bayley said...

Hey... I recognize a couple of those guys! ;)

A quick word of caution: Be careful when riding around the in Chris' ski boat. I've heard he has a tendency to eject out-of-state visitors from the back seat and into the lake.