Saturday, December 4, 2010

Santa Came Early (I think I'm in love)

I have been longing for a for a camera of quality for ages!  Finally my wish has materialized.  Santa (my husband) picked out this fancy Canon Rebel with interchangeable lenses, HD video, other features I don't understand and so much more!

I really don't have any idea what I'm doing to be honest.  I have dreams of being able to take amazing photos and then to edit them all artsy and cute.  *sigh*  My goal is to just pick it up daily and spend a little quality time together with my Canon.  We'll see what becomes of it.   Hopefully the blog's photo quality will be kicked up a notch.

Here's a couple of my favorite photos so far, amateur I know . . .

Harold's Feet

Ernie's Laugh


allcedars said...

AnnMarie! Awesome!!! I have a Nikon D5000 and love it. I love DSLRs!

tiff said...

I heart my REBEL!!!! I don't have videoing on mine, but I have had my Canon for 5 years...and I am still in love with it! Enjoy!

Anita said...

Absolutely awesome!! Searching online for tips has been helpful for photographing certain things. Otherwise, it is trial and error while having so much fun!!