Wednesday, October 27, 2010

TOMS on the Tundra

My coworker friend, Barnabas, introduced me to TOMS shoes this fall.  I had never heard of TOMS until I noticed Barnabas wearing them at work.  (My life is a bit sheltered from main stream culture these days.)

I was attracted to these simple little shoes right away AND I later found out they're working for a good cause.  "One for One" is their motto, for every pair of shoes sold, a pair is given to a child in need.  Over a million shoes have been donated since the start of the company in 2006.  Awesome!

I jumped right on ordering a pair for myself.   I was  tempted to buy Harold a pair of Tiny TOMS (the name is too adorable) but resisted the temptation.  Now, if you should happen to visit the Brevig Mission School, you just might find a pair or two of TOMS proudly roaming our halls.  The first ones this far north?  They just might be.

Folks post photos on the TOMS website of the shoes being worn here and there.  We thought the tundra would be a unique place for TOMS to be seen.  So on Saturday, we did an official photo shoot.  Good times but to be honest we did froze our patooties off!  I think the pics turned out pretty neat.

Photos taken by C.O.
Artsy fartsy editing done by Barnabas

On a side note, check out Barn's blog if you get a chance.  Just the title cracks me up, V-Neck in Alaska: Going where no v-neck has gone before.  He's got some great photos if you'd like to see Brevig and the surrounding area from another perspective. 


1 comment:

Barnabas WF said...

Wow....thanks for all the props! I hope we can get others to joing the TOMS movement!