Sunday, September 25, 2011

Groceries and Lumber: Stocking Up

Saturday we took a little trip to Nome to do some grocery shopping. We took our boat over to Teller, borrowed a truck and drove into town.


I checked things off my grocery list as I filled the cart.


It's best not to look at the total and just hand over your plastic, sign quickly and move on.


Paper, plastic or cardboard? Some really sturdy cardboard please.


All of our groceries fit nicely into these four boxes. That's nearly $100 per box.


Harold enjoyed his break from the ordinary.


We also made a stop at the lumber yard. You don't even want to know how much that cost. Multiply the grocery total by 3 and subtract $100.  *breathing deeply*


Harold and our credit card were pretty tired by the end of the day.


Into the boat went the supplies and back to Brevig.


1 comment:

Nancy M. said...

Wow! Now, that's A shopping trip! But, at least you don't have to do it too often!