This is our friend James, the guy standing on the right there.
James Adcox is our very talented artist friend. In fact, he painted those scenes you see behind him. Let's just take a moment to say "wow" shall we?
O.K. now we can move on.
We first met James years ago when he was painting murals for the newly remodeled Brevig Mission School. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
James was one of the artists chosen to do an art piece for the newly built hospital in Nome. James formerly of Nome now live near us in Soldotna. The pieces were painted here on the Kenai then shipped north and installed at the Nome Regional Hospital. James so kindly asked C.O. to be one of his crew members for the installation.
It sounded like a great experience, so of course C.O. agreed. C.O. now gets to add "Professional Art Installer Guy" to his resume.
This lovely set of paintings captures the process of a whale hunt in three scenes. Knowledgeable art folks would call it a triptych. I wish you all could see them in person. If you're ever in Nome, stop by the hospital and admire them for a while. You can also read more about the paintings from their infancy over on the Adcox's Blog. I also found this blog post that has many beautiful pictures of the new facility in Nome.
Side Note A:
C.O. and James took this little trip in early November and I'm just now getting around to posting about it. Please don't judge.
Side Note B:
C.O. also got to travel to Brevig Mission and Elim to do some wrap up work for Kawarak's Head Start buildings that he has maintained for the past few years. He was able to see many of our friends in Brevig during his few days there (I was terribly jealous). He also got to stay with my brother John for a couple days in Elim.
Side Note C:
My mom came up to stay with me and help take care of the kids while C.O. was gone. Thanks Mom, I couldn't have done it with out you.