This Thanksgiving was spent in Elim, Alaska with my brother John. We were thankful to have made the two flights from Brevig to Nome and Nome to Elim in time for Thanksgiving festivities and some quality time with Johnny.
Thanksgiving morning, we took some time to hike around town in search of some good sledding hills. We found a couple good spots and had some pretty exciting rides. Sledding: the perfect pre-dinner activity.
As in Brevig, Elim hosts a village-wide feast in the school gymnasium. It reminded me a lot of Brevig feasts minus the reindeer stew, personally one of my favorites. However, Elim amazingly had huge containers of watermelon, a perfect treat for ending the traditional Thanksgiving meal. I'm not a huge fan of pie as desert, pie is better left for breakfast in my opinion. Watermelon however, was very light and refreshing. The feast experience was very nice and we were able to chat with a few folks from around town that we have met over the years.
Harold convinced us that he needed a smaller tree of his own.
We obliged.
There's about 40 rings there.
Though the woods are reminiscent of Minnesota,
the trees here have to work a lot harder at survival.
Though the woods are reminiscent of Minnesota,
the trees here have to work a lot harder at survival.
Happy Belated Thanksgiving!